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Casino Group Enhances Sustainability with relevanC's Data Visualisation Platform

Success story

The relevanC team builds a data visualisation platform that allows Casino Group teams to track and enhance sustainability efforts.

Casino Group, a well-known French convenience grocery retail chain - comprising Franprix, Monoprix, Casino, Naturalia and Cdiscount - is committed to reducing its environmental impact, improving conditions for producers, and promoting sustainable products. Key initiatives include minimising plastic packaging and supporting sustainable consumption trends across all product categories.

The Need

The group required better visibility into its current eco-responsible product offerings. Specifically, they wanted detailed insights into the revenues generated from eco-responsible products, broken down by type (organic, fair trade, etc.), product category, and store location. This information was crucial for the Group to identify areas for impactful improvements to support their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) commitments.
Existing solutions were manual, slow, and resource-intensive and, more importantly, didn’t provide a single view across all the group's entities.

The Solution

Casino Group partnered with relevanC, its retail data insights provider, to address this challenge. relevanC, the creators of the DataHub—a centralised repository for all transactional, operational, and customer data across Casino Group companies—was the ideal partner. The DataHub offers a unified view of over 60 terabytes of data, with more than 10 million lines added daily. It provides leveraged insights for various applications, from reducing out-of-stocks to helping suppliers personalise product promotions to customers.

As a first step, relevanC worked closely with Franprix, the group’s convenience store chain to define the parameters for what “eco-responsible” means. With so many different accreditations and stamps available to brands for their products and the lack of a single global standard, Casino Group needed to identify a baseline to allow like-for-like comparisons.

Geraldo Junior, Data Scientist from relevanC, stated, “We were excited to have the chance to work with the Casino Group teams on this challenge. With the relevanC DataHub we built for the Group, we already had the infrastructure to collect and process new data and the technical expertise to transform it into actionable insights”

To meet Casino Group’s needs, the DataHub was modified to ingest data related to eco-responsible products. The products were categorised into 10 CSR-related categories, including Planet Score, Organic, and Fair Trade, through an API call to Salsify’s PXM product content service.

“This is a game changer. relevanC’s solution strongly supports our approach to sustainability by providing the insights we need to make even more impactful decisions. 

Sandra Chartoire Rivet, Head of Sustainability, Casino Group

The Impact

The relevanC team built a comprehensive data visualisation platform that allows Casino Group teams to effectively identify and monitor sales data across all categories. This platform allows Franprix to track and enhance its sustainability efforts. In a consistent and
Sandra Chartoire Rivet, Head of Sustainability at Casino Group, commented, “This is a game changer. relevanC’s solution strongly supports our approach to sustainability by providing the insights we need to make even more impactful decisions. The sustainability teams have already spotted trends they weren’t necessarily expecting. For instance, they noticed straight away that for eco-responsible products, customer behaviour changes according to the day of the week, with shoppers more likely to make an eco-purchase on the weekend”

Leveraging insights from real-time monitoring of the sales of eco-responsible products will help Franprix drive meaningful improvements in environmental impact. After this initial success with Franprix, relevanC is working hand-in-hand with the group’s other entities to roll out the solution group-wide.

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